Evolution Of

Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha


The history of the Alawwa local council, located in the Dambadeniya Kingdom, the 3rd Kingdom of Sri Lanka, dates to about 70 years ago. The Alawwa Village Council was established in 1935 and in 1971, 2 councils were established in the Dambadeniya Constituency, the Alawwa Municipal Council, and the Alawwa Village Council.

1977 - 1987

In 1977 the councils were disbanded and ruled by a special commissioner under the rule of a control officer and this pattern of control continued until the year 1983. Due to the establishment of Development Councils with the implementation of the Development Council Act No. 13 of 1983, Kurunegala was governed under the Development Council from 1983. Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha was established as a local council in 1987 by the Local Council Act No. 15 of 1987. Accordingly, Alawwa Regional Council was run under 05 sub-offices namely Alawwa Urban Sub-office, Dambadeniya Sub-office, Maharachchimulla Sub-office, Kappitivalana Sub-office, and Ambagammana Sub-office and these sub-offices were controlled under the Alawwa Regional Council head office located in Narammala.

Establishment of Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha in Alawwa

The Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha, which existed for both Alawwa and Narammala Divisional Secretariat Divisions, was split into 2 Divisional Councils, Alawwa and Narammala, from 04/01/2011 to separate Alawwa and Narammala Divisional Secretariat Divisions. Accordingly, from 01/04/2011, the sub-office was established on the ground where the Alawwa Regional Council had been running the Alawwa Municipal Sub-office until then. Accordingly, the two sub-offices of Maharachchimulla and Boyawalana, Kappitivalana, came under the Alawwa Regional Council.

Local Government Election - 2011

The Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha, which was in Narammala town from 01/04/2011 till then, was established as a separate assembly in the vicinity of Alawwa town. 13 honorable public representatives were elected in the 2011 local government elections. Mr. M.M. Sandhya Kumara was elected as the chairman of the Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha and Mr. Rohana Basnayake was elected as the vice chairman.

2018 - 2023

In the local government elections held in February 2018, honorable public representatives were elected for the first time in the divisional system, and accordingly, the second council term which started on 27/03/2018 consisted of 28 members. Mr. MM Sandhya Kumara was appointed as its chairman and Mr. Dharmaratne Herath was appointed as the vice chairman. From 27/03/2018, M.M. who worked as the Chairman of Alawwa Regional Council. Mr. Sandhya Kumara passed away unexpectedly on 11/07/2021. Accordingly, Mr. Dharmaratne Herath, who served as Honorary Vice President, served as Acting President. Ms. Padma Vathewa was appointed for the vacant chairperson position from 29/10/2021 and she served as the executive of Alawwa local council until 19/03/2023. After the dispersal of all people's representatives on 20/03/2023 due to the expiry of the period of governance, all local councils were governed under a special commissioner rule.

2023 - Until Now

From 20.03.2020 Mrs. J.A.S. Jayasinghe, who is a very experienced secretary in the field of local government, worked as the secretary of the Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha, and as an officer for the implementation of powers and duties, and due to an urgent matter, she was transferred to the Pannala Pradeshiya Sabha from 20.06.2024. Then, Mr. J.M.P. Jayasekara, who is a competent officer in the public service, worked in the position of secretary of Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha from 20.06.2024 to 10.05.2024. After that, Mrs. M.P.C. Renuka has been working as the secretary of Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha since 13.05.2024.

The Local Leadership

That Has Led The Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha Since Then To Now

Mr. U.B. AlavwaHonorary Chairman of Alavwa First Village CommitteeFrom 1936 - 1970
Mr. H. M. KumaradasaHonorary Chairman of Alawwa Municipal CouncilFrom 1971 - 1976
Mr. S.B. VaidyaratneHonorary Chairman of Alavwa Village CouncilFrom 1971 - 1976
Disbanded in 1977, it came under the control of a Special Commissioner and became a Development Council in 1983.
Mr. K.P. Gamini GunadasaHon. ChairmanMarch 1987 - March 1997
Mrs. Padma VettevaHon. ChairmanMarch 1997 - November 1998
Mr. R. A. D. RatnayakeHon. ChairmanFebruary 1999 - March 2002
Mr. KP Gamini GunadasaHon. ChairmanMarch 2002 - March 2006
Mr. R.M. Sumith RajapakshaHon. ChairmanMarch 2006 February 2009
Mr. D.M. SumanasiriHon. ChairmanMarch 2009 - March 2011
Mr. M.M. Sandhya KumaraFirst Hon. Chairman of the new Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha after the separation of Alawwa and Narammala Pradeshiya SabhaMarch 2011 - December 2013
Mr. Bandara WetthewaHon. ChairmanJanuary 2014 - May 2015
Mrs. P. A. P. MallikaSecretary (Powers Functions and Tasks Implementation Officer)June 2015 - March 2018
Mrs. K. R. P. G. R. KarunanayakeSecretary (Powers Functions and Tasks Implementation Officer)June 2017 - March 2018
Mr. M.M. Sandhya KumaraHon. ChairmanMarch 2018 - July 2021
Mr. Dharmaratne HerathHon. Acting ChairmanJuly 2021 - November 2021
Mrs. Padma VettevaHon. ChairmanNovember 2021 - March 2023
Mrs. J.A.S. JayasingheSecretary (Powers Functions and Tasks Implementation Officer)March 2023 - June 2023
Mr. J.M.P. JayasekaraSecretary (Powers Functions and Tasks Implementation Officer)June 2023 - May 2024
Mrs. M.P.C. RenukaSecretary (Powers Functions and Tasks Implementation Officer)May 2024 - Until Now